Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Our team of professionals has over 30 years of combined experience and hold three of the most sought-after business valuation designations, ASA (Accredited Senior Appraiser), ABV (Accredited in Business Valuation), and CBA (Certified Business Appraiser). As guided by our accreditation standards, every engagement involves a detailed analysis and understanding of the circumstances and needs of the client in order to exceed the expectations of the standards set upon us.
Our professionals assist clients across a range of industries, including oil & gas, energy services, private equity, hospitality, healthcare, real estate, construction, manufacturing & distribution, technology, agriculture, and business services. Regardless of the size or scope of our clients, we can help them navigate through mitigating risk, optimizing cash flow, and position themselves for growth and sustainability.
Whether buying or selling, our team can provide valuable insight before transacting and committing your resources and reputation. Working with numerous small to middle-market companies for over 30 years, we know how to best assist owners for success during their transactional and M&A needs from the early stages through close. Our professionals can help businesses address many different planning needs, including providing ongoing financial consulting services and a sounding board for owners and managing directors.
In the Supreme Court case Connelly vs. United States, Justice Thomas delivered the opinion of the unanimous court in favor of the United States, while stating the unfavorable result to the taxpayer...
Seidel Schroeder
Listen to the Valuation Podcast episode below featuring Amber Widener, Seidel Schroeder's Partner of Business Valuation and Transaction Advisory Services. She shares insights about the potential...
Seidel Schroeder
Why is it that most small business owners don't know when they need a business valuation? Most answer that they're not ready to sell. But that's only one reason to get a valuation. You may want to do...
Seidel Schroeder